Concealed Carry for Women - Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

One of the items on my long list of SMT related things to do has been to bring you video content. It's definitely something that's a bit different for me but a challenge that I'm willing to take on and figure out as I go. 

We are always our own harshest critics so while to me there's a lots of things I could do better, it's a learning process and hope that they only get better with each video. So let me know what you think. How do you like this form of content? And if there is something you would like to see specifically, you know how to reach me.

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This video is the first in my series of Concealed Carry Outfit Guides. I will be showcasing different outfits and sharing tips for how to carry concealed without sacrificing your style. So without further adieu, I bring you my Concealed Carry Outfit Guide to the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.


As mentioned in the video all the links for each look and concealed carry setup is below. Be sure to also check out my NSale sizing tips if you need some tips for how some of these pieces fit because it seems that everything being made these days are not made according to any type standard size chart (cue major eyeroll). 

:: LOOK ONE ::Outfit Details: Shirt | Tee | Jeans | Boots CCW Details: Glock 43 | StealthGearUSA Holster | Belt

:: LOOK ONE ::

Outfit Details: Shirt | Tee | Jeans | Boots
CCW Details: Glock 43 | StealthGearUSA Holster | Belt

:: LOOK THREE ::Outfit Details: Jacket | Shirt | Jeans | Boots CCW Details: Glock 43 | StealthGearUSA Holster | Belt


Outfit Details: Jacket | Shirt | Jeans | Boots
CCW Details: Glock 43 | StealthGearUSA Holster | Belt

:: LOOK TWO ::Outfit Details: Sweater | Camisole | Jeans | Shoes {similar} CCW Details: Glock 43 | Can Can Concealment Holster

:: LOOK TWO ::

Outfit Details: Sweater | Camisole | Jeans | Shoes {similar}
CCW Details: Glock 43 | Can Can Concealment Holster

:: LOOK FOUR::Outfit Details: Shirt | Scarf | Jeans | Boots {similar} CCW Details: Glock 43 | StealthGearUSA Holster | Belt


Outfit Details: Shirt | Scarf | Jeans | Boots {similar}
CCW Details: Glock 43 | StealthGearUSA Holster | Belt

:: LOOK FIVE ::Outfit Details: Jacket | Shirt | Jeans | Shoes | Bag CCW Details: Glock 43 | Blacksmith Tactical | Belt


Outfit Details: Jacket | Shirt | Jeans | Shoes | Bag
CCW Details: Glock 43 | Blacksmith Tactical | Belt